Diamonds in the Rough: John Prine Tribute: Rod Scheuer

Diamonds In The Rough celebrates the fantastic 50 plus year career, and best known and beloved songs of iconic singer songwriter John Prine. Prines wry sense of humor, endless wisdom about life, and dedication to speaking out on social and cultural issues are embodied in his signature songs. From "Hello In There", to "Grandpa Was A Carpenter", to, "Souviniers", Diamonds In The Rough pays tribute to a truly unique and "American" artist, the great John Prine!
Presented by the Rod Scheuer and Friends.
Wednesday, June 26 at 7:30
Pay What You Can! $25 Sponsor, $16 Standard, $10 Budget
All Proceeds go Directly to the Band
Presented by the Rod Scheuer and Friends.
Wednesday, June 26 at 7:30
Pay What You Can! $25 Sponsor, $16 Standard, $10 Budget
All Proceeds go Directly to the Band